Tests to help choose the innate abilities that have the better chances for long term success. 

January 23, 2024 podcast, General Questions

The person with chronic pain has some innate abilities but would like to know how you might test them to help determine which ones may be best for long term use.

The person with chronic pain has some innate abilities but would like to know how you might test them to help determine which ones may be best for long term use.

My name is Eugene Irvin.
Let’s presume a case where the person has the following abilities.
Visually imagining colours with eyes closed. These are blue, red and black.
Visually imagining objects with eyes closed moving away until they become very small but don’t disappear.
Being able to slow respiration by breathing diaphragmatically.

They do not know which abilities might be the best candidates for successful long term use with the person’s chronic pain management.

The question is:
Is there a simple list of different types of testing that would help with rating an innate abilities chances for successful long term use?

Yes. There is a link to 7 different TYPES OF TESTING. This is just my list. Every person could generate their own list.
In the link there is a contents list and if you want more detail on the items it will be in the link.
One may just choose one type of testing or more than one of the 7 types of testing. There is no right or wrong way of looking at this.

These types of testing can be applied to people’s abilities for long term use with other issues apart from chronic pain.

This entire project is about taking something which may sound good, and then trying to take it apart with constructive criticism. Your thoughts and especially extra inputs are appreciated.

There is a link to my list of innate abilities. Innate abilities and resources here are synonymous. This is only my list.

Thank you

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What TYPES OF TESTING can we do to determine if an innate ability may be okay for long term use?

This is just my list. Everyone could generate a list with differences. 

The word `Resource’ is synonymous with`innate ability.’


1:   Increase the stress levels when testing with a therapist in the clinic. 

2:   Use a range of distractions to mimic real life in the clinic and determine how the resource is affected. 

3:  Use a range of challenges: direct and indirect to mimic real life in the clinic and determine how the resource is affected.  

4:  Test with a therapist in a public environment. In the clinic some weaknesses with the resource may not be apparent to the therapist. 

5:  How much of a resource’s testing can be repeated by the client without the therapist being present?

6:  Testing the resource in untried situations/ scenarios/ environments without the therapist being present?

7:  Real world testing of the resource.  

The following are in no fixed order. 

1:   Increase the stress levels when testing with a therapist in the clinic. 

Relevance with long term control:

Use of resources in real life is commonly done in stressful environments/ scenarios/ situations. If you do not test a resource under different stressful conditions, you do not understand how effective the resource will be in the different conditions. 

2:   Use a range of distractions to mimic real life in the clinic and determine how the resource is affected. 

Relevance with long term control:

A distraction is anything which may hinder a cognitive, physical and/or emotive process. This occurs all the time in real life and especially over long intervals of time. If the resource is adversely affected by distractions, then it may not be a suitable resource for long term use. 

3:  Use a range of challenges: direct and indirect to mimic real life in the clinic and determine how the resource is affected.  

Relevance with long term control:

Direct challenge resistance is one way of testing the limits of a resource. This occurs all the time in real life and especially over long intervals of time. With people’s abilities, something or someone is always challenging whether the resource is `up to the task.’

4:  Test with a therapist in a public environment. In the clinic some weaknesses with the resource may not be apparent to the therapist. 

Comment: In the clinic the way a resource would respond to real life scenarios may not be apparent to the therapist. The characteristics of this `public environment’ have no limitations. 

Relevance with long term control:

There must be a very clear distinction between clinic trialling and more real life environment/ scenario trialling. Anything long term means the resource will be used in a public environment. 

5:  How much of a resource’s testing can be repeated by the client without the therapist being present?

Relevance with long term control:

Long term use for a resource means the person must have a high level of self control with the resource. If the resource’s presence depends upon the therapist’s presence, then it is of little value for long term usage. This type of testing is a measure of  the person’s potential self control with the resources used. 

6:  Testing the resource in untried situations/ scenarios/ environments without the therapist being present?

Relevance with long term control:

Long term uses for a resource means an endless number of untried variations of scenarios/ situations/ environments may present themselves. The type of untried may be only slightly dissimilar to what has been trialled and is successful or it may be totally different. This type of testing is a measure of the person’s potential self control with the resources used. 

7:  Real world testing of the resource.  

Real world testing means the trialling is done with the same set of variables as would occur in the person’s real life. The therapist may or may not be present. 

Relevance with long term control:

This is not testing in unknown types of scenarios. These are real world scenarios that would definitely actually occur. The temptation not to test in the real world is always present because it is not as convenient and may involve scenarios where there are a number of persons present. 


Are we fully aware of the range of potentially usable innate abilities in the mind-body field?   

Innate abilities and their Submodalities 

Everyone will have a different list to the one presented here. This is simply my list. Each of these resources has the potential to be used in different ways. I see the same resources being repeatedly used. A large number of resources appear to be neglected. I do not see any structure which would assist me in being creative as to how those neglected resources might be used.    

There are 29 resource topics and 197 resource divisions
There is no mention of parameters here.

Modalities List

Real=There is real sensory input from the topic mentioned.
Not Real= There is no real sensory input from the topic mentioned. Whatever is being perceived is from the clients’ imagination.

  1. Motor simple-light
  2. Motor simple-relaxation
  3. Motor simple-rigid
  4. Motor simple-heavy
  5. Complex motor
  6. Motor complex- verbalising
  7. Motor complex- writing
  8. Imagination-analgesia/ anaesthesia
  9. Imagination-auditory
  10. Imagination-balance
  11. Imagination-dermal
  12. Imagination-fatigue
  13. Imagination-hunger
  14. Imagination-kinesthetic- proprioceptive
  15. Imagination-pain
  16. Imagination-secretion
  17. Imagination-smell
  18. Imagination-taste
  19. Imagination-thermal
  20. Imagination-thirst
  21. Imagination-touch-pressure
  22. Imagination-visual
  23. Imagination-time distortion
  24. Age Regression-Progression
  25. Amnesia
  26. Cardiovascular
  27. Gastrointestinal
  28. Respiration
  29. Emotion

Modalities and their Submodalities

Motor simple-light

Motor>simple>light with actual movement
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for lightness. One or more at the same time.]               Motor>simple>light with no actual movement.
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: `light brain.’]

Motor simple-rigid

Motor>simple>rigid with observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for rigidity. One or more at the same time.]
Motor>simple>rigid with no observable physical demonstration of rigidity
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: rigid brain.]           

Motor simple-relaxation

Motor>simple>relaxation with observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for physical relaxation. One or more at the same time.] 
Motor>simple>relaxation with no observable physical demonstration of relaxation
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: relaxed brain.]

Motor simple-heavy

Motor>simple>heavy with actual observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for physical heaviness. One or more at the same time.] 
Motor>simple>heaviness with no observable physical demonstration of heaviness
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: heavy brain.]

Complex motor

[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for levels of movement coordination. One or more parts at the same time.]

Motor complex-verbalising (talking/ singing)

Motor>complex>verbalising>speed of verbalising increase
Motor>complex>verbalising>speed of verbalising decrease
Motor>complex>verbalising>difficulty with verbalising
Motor>complex>verbalising>volume of verbalising increase
Motor>complex>verbalising>volume of verbalising decrease
Motor>complex>verbalising>verbalising coherence
Motor>complex>verbalising>verbalising flow
Motor>complex>verbalising>loss of

Motor complex-writing

Motor>complex>writing>speed of writing increase
Motor>complex>writing>speed of writing decrease
Motor>complex>writing>difficulty with writing increase
Motor>complex>writing>difficulty with writing decrease
Motor>complex>writing>automaticity level [Clients’ level of conscious awareness of what they are writing and/or about to write
Motor>complex>writing>loss of

Imagination-analgesia/ anaesthesia

Imagn>real inputs>analgesia/ anaesthesia
[Range of possible subdivisions is vast]

Imagn>no real inputs>analgesia/ anaesthesia 
[Range of possible subdivisions is vast]


Imagn>auditory>real>auditory appearing near/ distant
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory changing speed slow/faster
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory distortion
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory ability to focus on one auditory out of many
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory decibel level increase/decrease
Imagn>auditory>real>loss of auditory

Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory appearing near/ distant
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory changing speed slow/faster
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory distortion
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory ability to focus on one auditory out of many
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory patterns such as strobe/waves/rhythmic/ erratic
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory decibel level increase/decrease
Imagn>auditory>not real>loss of auditory


Imagn>balance>real>loss of

Imagn>balance>no real input>increase 
Imagn>balance>no real input>decrease 
Imagn>balance>no real input>loss of


Imagn>fatigue>physical increase
Imagn>fatigue>physical decrease
Imagn>fatigue>cognitive increase 
Imagn>fatigue>cognitive decrease
Imagn>fatigue>emotion increase
Imagn>fatigue>emotion decrease




Imagn>dermal>real>part to total loss of dermal
Imagn>dermal>real>misperception of dermal
[A real dermal stimulus may be misperceived as tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagn>dermal>not real>misperception of dermal
[A not real dermal stimulus may be perceived as being tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagination-kinesthetic/ proprioceptive

Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>real>part to total loss of kinesthetic/ proprioceptive Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>real>misperception of kinesthetic/proprioceptive stimuli
[A real kinesthetic/ proprioceptive stimulus may be misperceived as tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>not real>misperception of kinesthetic/proprioceptive stimuli


Imagn>pain>real>misperceptions of pain stimulus
[A real pain stimulus may be misperceived as being increased/ decreased/ tingling/ hot/ cold/ etc]  Imagn>pain>real>partial to total loss of pain

Imagn>not real>pain
[No pain stimulus of any kind. Range of possible subdivisions is vast]


Imagn>secretion>real>part to total loss of secretion
[An example would be a piece of food in the mouth producing more saliva than normal]


Imagn>smell>real>sensitivity to smells increase
Imagn>smell>real>sensitivity to smells decrease
Imagn>smell>real>smell distortions
Imagn>smell>real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>smell>real>part to total loss of smell

Imagn>smell>not real>sensitivity to smells increaseImagn>smell>not real>sensitivity to smells decrease Imagn>smell>not real>smell distortions Imagn>smell>not real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>smell>not real>pure smell 
Imagn>smell>not real>combinations of smell- previously experienced or unique
Imagn>smell>not real>part to total loss of smell


Imagn>taste>real>sensitivity to tastes increase
Imagn>taste>real>sensitivity to tastes decrease 
Imagn>taste>real>taste distortions Imagn>taste>real>focussing on one component from many 
Imagn>taste>real>part to total loss of taste

Imagn>taste>not real>sensitivity to tastes increase
Imagn>taste>not real>sensitivity to tastes decrease 
Imagn>taste>not real>taste distortions
Imagn>taste>not real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>taste>not real>pure tastes
Imagn>taste>not real>combinations of tastes-previously experienced or unique 
Imagn>taste>not real>part to total loss of taste


Imagn>thermal>real>part to total loss of thermal.

NOT REAL                                                                                                                                       
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>increase
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>decrease
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>increase
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>decrease
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>misperception
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>misperception
Imagn>thermal>not real>part to total loss of thermal.


Imagn>thirst>swallowing difficulty


Imagn>touch-pressure>real>increased sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>real>reduced sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>real>misperception of touch-pressure
[Light feels heavy/ heavy feels light/ tingling/ warm/ cold/ etc]

Imagn>touch-pressure>real>part to total loss of touch-pressure

NOT REAL                                                                                                                                   
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>increased sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>reduced sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>misperception of touch-pressure
[Light feels heavy/ heavy feels light/ tingling/ warm/ cold/ etc]                                                  
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>part to total loss of touch-pressure


Imagn>visual>eyes open> real external sensory input>visual focussing on one component out of many
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual appearing near
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual appearing distant
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual changing speed slower
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual changing speed faster
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input >visual ability to focus on detail
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual activity level
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual brightness reduce/magnify
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual micro/normal/magnify
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual distortion of how it would normally look Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual movement types rotating/rhythmic/ erratic Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual image types shapes/ textures/ patterns/ 2D-3D/ angles
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours black/grey/white
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours pure red/blue/green/yellow/violet
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours mixtures

Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual appearing near
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual appearing distant
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual changing speed slower
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual changing speed faster
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual ability to focus on detail
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual activity level 
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual brightness reduce/magnify 
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual micro/normal/magnify Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual distortion of how it would normally look
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual focussing on one component out of many
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual movement types rotating/rhythmic/ erratic
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual image types shapes/textures/patterns/2D-3D/ angles
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors black/grey/white
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors pure red/blue/green/yellow/violet

Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors mixtures
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>loss of visual

Negative hallucinations: Imagined with a real input 
Imagn>visual>eyes open>real>suggested real items missing from conscious perception completely
[Can be one item or the entirety of real visual sensory input; e.g., an entire furnished room is now seen as being completely empty]

Positive hallucinations: Imagined with no real input:
Imagn>visual>eyes open>real>suggested real items now present even though missing in reality
[Can be one item or the entirety of real visual sensory input; e.g., an empty room is now seen as being completely furnished]

Combinations of positive and negative hallucinations
One item is removed completely and replaced with something else.

Imagination-time distortion

Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time 
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>physical 
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>cognitive
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>emotion 
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>physical 
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>cognitive
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>emotion

Age Regression-Progression

Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>physical 
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>mental 
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>emotion
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>situations
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>physical
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>mental
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>emotion 
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>situations 
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>physical 
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>mental
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>emotion
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>situations
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>physical 
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>mental
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>emotion
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>situations


Amnesia>type of amnesia>spontaneous
Amnesia>type of amnesia>suggested
Amnesia>specificity of amnesia 
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>physical 
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>cognitive
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>emotional


Cardiovascular>heart rate increase
Cardiovascular>heart rate decrease 
Cardiovascular>blood vessel size increase
Cardiovascular>blood vessel size decrease


Gastrointestinal>discomfort increase
Gastrointestinal>discomfort decrease
Gastrointestinal>hyperactivity increase 
Gastrointestinal>hyperactivity decrease


Respiration>type of breathing>thoracic/ abdominal
Respiration>rate of breathing>fast/ slow
Respiration>depth of breathing>shallow/deep


Imagn>emotion increase 
Imagn>emotion decrease
Imagn>emotion positive increase
Imagn>emotion positive decrease
Imagn>emotion negative increase
Imagn>emotion negative decrease

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