Mission Statements

The power of your Innate Abilities.
Are there questions we are missing?

My name is Eugene Irvin,

I have always had a strong interest in trying to understand mind-body techniques that are used in a wide variety of different approaches to stress and pain management.

I am also interested as to why they would work at all.

Thus, I spent a great deal of time looking for common denominators, the common components, that are used with mind body techniques such as *suggestibility techniques, persuasion techniques, placebos, hypnosis, meditation, brain washing, crowd hysteria, and the list goes on.

My focus is on the person’s innate abilities that are being used and having a look at those abilities by asking questions that seem to be rarely or infrequently asked, at least with any real thought.

By innate abilities I mean topics such as imagination skills, physical relaxation techniques. There are many others.
Here is a link to what topics are in my list, but I emphasise this is just my list. My list describes 29 modalities and 197 submodalities.

If you can make the innate abilities or tools you work with stronger, then maybe the results can be better. If we want new insights into imagination and mind body control, why not look at questions not commonly asked or emphasised? In other words, to develop a place to truly brainstorm.

There will seemingly always be debate as to how much the person’s mind contributes to the chronic pain a person feels. If you assume there is some level of pain being generated within the brain, then my emphasis is `to make sure you are using whatever tools’ your patients have to the very best of their ability.
One philosophy I do follow is “If we keep asking the same questions, then why would we get different answers?” As Einstein said: “Don’t think about why you question, simply don’t stop questioning.”

A primary goal is to have a model which* is flexible or adaptive enough so we can help design something specific from each person’s strengths and weaknesses. I think this goal is extremely difficult to achieve. It requires a flexible model where creative, lateral type thinking is a reasonably straightforward procedure with a person’s innate abilities.

I repeat, the main goal of this site is “for people to brainstorm questions & ideas about using a person’s innate abilities in ways that appear to not be commonly questioned.

I focus on people who suffer from chronic pain but people might also use this site for many other issues apart from chronic pain.

I am looking for critical comments on the questions being presented and especially any questions or issues others think are being overlooked or under emphasised.

What do I hope to achieve? This is impossible for me to be clear about at this stage.
Just getting a forum where people can discuss other possible questions is enough at this stage. I emphasise that everything must be in practical terms and are connected with a person’s resources or innate abilities.

I have over 50 different practical issues that will appear over time on my facebook site. Here is a link to that list. This list is *simply my list and as to how many of these would actually be of practical value, I have no idea. Some might turn out to simply be wrong. Let’s see if we can go beyond our limits? Why not try?

Some of the 50 titles will sound familiar, but I was, one could say, obsessive about not listing something if it was going to be a simple rehash of what is normally presented. If I was not able to contribute something a little different of possible practical importance, then I could see no point in presenting it at all.

At this stage, I am after people who have questions and ideas for strategies involving a person’s innate abilities. These are strategies to discuss in the hope of viewing things differently and possibly gaining insights. Brainstorming in other words.

These people will need to be open for criticism. Don’t become involved if you are sensitive to others being critical of your questions and ideas and strategies.

Questions regarding how the different 50 some issues might be integrated is, in my mind, of paramount importance and also will generate the most questions. The number of variables involved with the 50 issues makes a correct scientific approach for researching practical strategies pretty well impossible. Thus it can be simple to slip into vague philosophical discussions and basically get nowhere. That is for someplace else.

My emphasis is on practical issues and especially how they might be integrated into a flexible design.

In summary:
I understand how scientific research works and the limitations this project presents to
actually doing correct journal type scientific research.

I do not have a clear end game except there would be no end- just a place, a forum for questions leading to practical type approaches.

There is no emphasis saying the different strategies will definitely work. It is an attempt to get away from the thinking with boundaries that I think are present now.

Will any insights that lead to improvements ever come of it, I don’t know. But let’s get a
forum going and see where curious like minded people might take it.

The goals in a nutshell

These are my 8 goals in a nutshell.

1. This is a structure where creative, lateral type thinking is a reasonably straightforward procedure with a person’s resources.

2. Many approaches to the same goal using the person’s resources can be quickly, simply and easily generated.

3. This is an eclectic model and one philosophy is not emphasised more than another. The one philosophy that is emphasised is that this model must have the ability to rapidly generate other possibilities with the person’s resources.

4. The goal of this idea generating model is not to give superior results, it is to give more choices. Superior or different results may result from the greater number of choices.

5. There are no restrictions on how you wander through the files.

6. The structure of this model enables all types of modifications. Any person can take a part of it and redesign it to suit themselves. This model is simply meant to be a good starting point. Every person’s experience and knowledge and perceptions will be different to a greater or lesser extent to others.

7. This is not a scientific model where every component is evidence-based with references. It was never meant or designed to be. It is a model to help in generating possibilities, ideas, choices.

8. There are a multitude of interconnections that have not remotely occurred to me yet. I am simply providing a strong base from which to go in different directions. I think everyone will see this model’s structure as it is now in different ways. Some will disagree strongly with parts and others may strongly agree with those same parts. This model facilitates designing more interconnections.

Thank you

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Innate Abilities

An innate ability is:

A characteristic/ability of a person which can be accessed by the person and/or therapist when required.

An innate ability is something which is measurable. Therefore, entities such as ego strength or willpower are not defined as innate abilities in this model.

An innate ability is something the person is aware of or can be made aware of.  This `awareness’ may be affective, sensory, motor or cognitive responses. If the person cannot be made aware of these characteristics/responses occurring, then it cannot be deemed as an innate ability.

An innate ability is something which can be repeatedly attained and has parameters which can qualitatively and quantitatively describe it.

An innate ability is something the person has within themselves, it is not external.


There are no issues presented if it was only going to be a rehash of common knowledge. If I could not potentially add something, I was simply not interested in presenting it.

  1. List all the innate abilities- modalities and submodalities. 29 modalities 197 submodalities
  2. Learning what innate abilities the client has? I am not referring to the modalities but the sub-modalities.
  3. Is there a wishlist for qualities innate abilities would have for different scenarios?
  4. This project emphasises strategies to enhance longevity of therapeutic results with the client’s innate abilities.
  5. What parameters are connected with the client’s innate abilities? List of parameters that are used in this model.

Onset time control
Offset time control
Time interval control spans
Certainty level that something will occur
Distractibility resistance.
Direct challenges resistance
Ease of achieving the response
Clients’ ability to control the resources by themselves
Clients awareness of the resources presence
Ability to go from one extreme to the other with the same topic
Adaptability of parameter-resources and resources from the clinic to real life situations and environments. Adaptability when conditions are changed with the clinic testing
Location specificity on the body
Multiple events of the same type at the same time
Movement of a resource from one location to another in the same or different type of topic.

6. Possible uses for each parameter purely by themselves.

7. Possible uses for parameter combinations.

8. Are the techniques that are presented designed keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of the client’s innate abilities? If not, is it some type of generic, hit-or-miss type of approach?

9. Is there value in being a lot more aware of the boundaries of an innate ability?

10. What if the innate abilities we have with this client are not the ones we really want?
Can this project offer other ways of looking for and finding other more appropriate innate abilities?

11: Let’s see if we can expand the range of techniques that might be used to develop or strengthen a client’s innate abilities? This may be generally strengthening or for specific innate abilities.

12: Are we fully aware of the different ways an innate ability might be used? Some type of data bank so ideas are not lost is one among a number of other approaches.

13: One can view innate abilities as separate entities or explore how two or more innate abilities might be combined. A data bank of different combinations might work well for generating practical ideas.

14: Making imagination experiences stronger and more long term reliable takes more than just telling the client this will now happen??

15: The innate abilities are so weak they are not regarded as being resources. But could they still be used as resources?

16: Being flexible enough to create different strategies to minimise or get around the issue of only having weak innate abilities?

17: Let’s take an extreme example where the range of innate abilities the client has arevery limited. Let’s look at various strategies to get around the limitations

18: Designing techniques using quirky/ strange innate abilities.

19: Things have come to a dead stop using one or more of the client’s specific innate abilities.
What checklist of questions might help to `get things going?’

20: Using the negatives from the client’s innate abilities rather than just focussing on the positive.

21: Combining innate abilities with consideration of their available parameters.

22: Teaching the client to have mainly an unconscious access to their innate abilities when they are having chronic pain episodes outside the clinic.

23: Questioning how the client views their imagination? Let’s make an assumption. The assumption is that clients will always have some negative perceptions about using their own imagination. What to do?

24: Graded motor imagery. Are any of the following questions possibly relevant to improve the effectiveness of graded motor imagery?

25: Are we obtaining accurate feedback, or is it just a lot of wishful thinking?

26: How does a client develop an innate ability when not with a therapist?

27: Is enough time allocated and the appropriate techniques used that test the cues that would trigger the client’s innate abilities in the real world.

28: What types of testing is there to give the client confidence that the innate abilities can be used months later in stressful, untrialed scenarios?

29: Is keeping the client motivated to continue using their innate abilities outside the clinic for long periods of time an important issue?

30: What sort of progressive way can a client build up their confidence to be able to use their innate abilities in stressful scenarios in real life and over long periods of time?

31: Themes. Is there a wide variety of themes being used? Is the issue one of looking at changing the themes.

32: Improving metaphor design.

33: Hometapes being made with a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the client’s innate abilities.

34: Reframing chronic pain. The chronic pain is a super enemy and a superweapon is required for the best chances for success. Premise is that this reframing constantly forces therapists to thinking beyond what they might normally be considered. What would a wishlist of innate ability qualities look like with this reframe?

35: One area which is lacking are data files of a wide variety? Why do so many other fields of study have easily accessible data banks and these types of issues I have presented have none?

36: We know a specific innate ability that has been tested, parameters assessed. We have a clear goal. Developing a data file on the wide variety of explanations/ logic as to how these might be connected.

37: Reframing a wide range of goals into something where this type of model can be used.

38: Is the client’s concept of failing an issue?

39: Failures: Prevention of-What if relapse- Failure happening now.

40: Keeping things interesting and not becoming boring, especially over long periods of time.

41: Developing a client’s concept of their mind body connection into a more concrete entity as to how it works and their ability to influence it.

42: Developing a client’s belief in their ability to access their innate abilities. Acquiring a belief is a difficult issue requiring many of the issues presented above.

43: Explanations/ logic are always used with accessing and developing resources. Maybe it is time a number of questions are asked to see if anything extra can be done. 44: Are the client’s emotions, positive and negative, used as much as possible?

45: Meditation. How much emphasis is there with using the client’s innate abilities and their connected parameters? How much emphasis is there if the character of the parameters change with time and the meditation design?

46: There are 22 questions which compare other models to this model. Will this prove to be of value?

47: What is the core aim of this model? To have a wide range of questions being asked with the hope of gaining insights into how to better use a client’s innate abilities.

48: Is there any connection with neuroplasticity? Absolutely. I am sure neuroplasticity considerations will become a big part of this project.

49: Hypnosis considerations. This is a huge topic. Substituting-Reinterpreting-Misperception of innate abilities to achieve goals. So many questions. The innate ability file presents submodalities which are more commonly `hypnotically derived.’ Hypnosis is an almost meaningless term but it will suffice at this moment in time.

49: Coding training: Are you coding only conscious abilities, unconscious abilities or combinations of them. These are very important questions and from my studies completely neglected. Coding with deep trance is a dimension of psychology which truly has not been looked at. From my efforts, I have found not one person willing to discuss it. My experience has indicated to me its potential value.

50: An area I would truly love to discuss, to brainstorm. Combining the following four issues.
Beliefs- Developing a Belief
Mind-Body construct
Long term resource use
Unconscious responsiveness in real life untrialed stress scenarios.


Are we fully aware of the range of potentially usable innate abilities in the mind-body field?   

Innate abilities and their Submodalities 

Everyone will have a different list to the one presented here. This is simply my list. Each of these resources has the potential to be used in different ways. I see the same resources being repeatedly used. A large number of resources appear to be neglected. I do not see any structure which would assist me in being creative as to how those neglected resources might be used.    

There are 29 resource topics and 197 resource divisions
There is no mention of parameters here.

Modalities List

Real=There is real sensory input from the topic mentioned.
Not Real= There is no real sensory input from the topic mentioned. Whatever is being perceived is from the clients’ imagination.

  1. Motor simple-light
  2. Motor simple-relaxation
  3. Motor simple-rigid
  4. Motor simple-heavy
  5. Complex motor
  6. Motor complex- verbalising
  7. Motor complex- writing
  8. Imagination-analgesia/ anaesthesia
  9. Imagination-auditory
  10. Imagination-balance
  11. Imagination-dermal
  12. Imagination-fatigue
  13. Imagination-hunger
  14. Imagination-kinesthetic- proprioceptive
  15. Imagination-pain
  16. Imagination-secretion
  17. Imagination-smell
  18. Imagination-taste
  19. Imagination-thermal
  20. Imagination-thirst
  21. Imagination-touch-pressure
  22. Imagination-visual
  23. Imagination-time distortion
  24. Age Regression-Progression
  25. Amnesia
  26. Cardiovascular
  27. Gastrointestinal
  28. Respiration
  29. Emotion

Modalities and their Submodalities

Motor simple-light

Motor>simple>light with actual movement
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for lightness. One or more at the same time.]               Motor>simple>light with no actual movement.
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: `light brain.’]

Motor simple-rigid

Motor>simple>rigid with observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for rigidity. One or more at the same time.]
Motor>simple>rigid with no observable physical demonstration of rigidity
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: rigid brain.]           

Motor simple-relaxation

Motor>simple>relaxation with observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for physical relaxation. One or more at the same time.] 
Motor>simple>relaxation with no observable physical demonstration of relaxation
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: relaxed brain.]

Motor simple-heavy

Motor>simple>heavy with actual observable physical demonstrations
[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for physical heaviness. One or more at the same time.] 
Motor>simple>heaviness with no observable physical demonstration of heaviness
[Can be any part of the body as there is no movement. For example: heavy brain.]

Complex motor

[Any parts of the body which can be objectively tested for levels of movement coordination. One or more parts at the same time.]

Motor complex-verbalising (talking/ singing)

Motor>complex>verbalising>speed of verbalising increase
Motor>complex>verbalising>speed of verbalising decrease
Motor>complex>verbalising>difficulty with verbalising
Motor>complex>verbalising>volume of verbalising increase
Motor>complex>verbalising>volume of verbalising decrease
Motor>complex>verbalising>verbalising coherence
Motor>complex>verbalising>verbalising flow
Motor>complex>verbalising>loss of

Motor complex-writing

Motor>complex>writing>speed of writing increase
Motor>complex>writing>speed of writing decrease
Motor>complex>writing>difficulty with writing increase
Motor>complex>writing>difficulty with writing decrease
Motor>complex>writing>automaticity level [Clients’ level of conscious awareness of what they are writing and/or about to write
Motor>complex>writing>loss of

Imagination-analgesia/ anaesthesia

Imagn>real inputs>analgesia/ anaesthesia
[Range of possible subdivisions is vast]

Imagn>no real inputs>analgesia/ anaesthesia 
[Range of possible subdivisions is vast]


Imagn>auditory>real>auditory appearing near/ distant
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory changing speed slow/faster
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory distortion
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory ability to focus on one auditory out of many
Imagn>auditory>real>auditory decibel level increase/decrease
Imagn>auditory>real>loss of auditory

Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory appearing near/ distant
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory changing speed slow/faster
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory distortion
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory ability to focus on one auditory out of many
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory patterns such as strobe/waves/rhythmic/ erratic
Imagn>auditory>not real>auditory decibel level increase/decrease
Imagn>auditory>not real>loss of auditory


Imagn>balance>real>loss of

Imagn>balance>no real input>increase 
Imagn>balance>no real input>decrease 
Imagn>balance>no real input>loss of


Imagn>fatigue>physical increase
Imagn>fatigue>physical decrease
Imagn>fatigue>cognitive increase 
Imagn>fatigue>cognitive decrease
Imagn>fatigue>emotion increase
Imagn>fatigue>emotion decrease




Imagn>dermal>real>part to total loss of dermal
Imagn>dermal>real>misperception of dermal
[A real dermal stimulus may be misperceived as tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagn>dermal>not real>misperception of dermal
[A not real dermal stimulus may be perceived as being tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagination-kinesthetic/ proprioceptive

Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>real>part to total loss of kinesthetic/ proprioceptive Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>real>misperception of kinesthetic/proprioceptive stimuli
[A real kinesthetic/ proprioceptive stimulus may be misperceived as tingling, hot, cold, etc]

Imagn>kinesthetic/ proprioceptive>not real>misperception of kinesthetic/proprioceptive stimuli


Imagn>pain>real>misperceptions of pain stimulus
[A real pain stimulus may be misperceived as being increased/ decreased/ tingling/ hot/ cold/ etc]  Imagn>pain>real>partial to total loss of pain

Imagn>not real>pain
[No pain stimulus of any kind. Range of possible subdivisions is vast]


Imagn>secretion>real>part to total loss of secretion
[An example would be a piece of food in the mouth producing more saliva than normal]


Imagn>smell>real>sensitivity to smells increase
Imagn>smell>real>sensitivity to smells decrease
Imagn>smell>real>smell distortions
Imagn>smell>real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>smell>real>part to total loss of smell

Imagn>smell>not real>sensitivity to smells increaseImagn>smell>not real>sensitivity to smells decrease Imagn>smell>not real>smell distortions Imagn>smell>not real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>smell>not real>pure smell 
Imagn>smell>not real>combinations of smell- previously experienced or unique
Imagn>smell>not real>part to total loss of smell


Imagn>taste>real>sensitivity to tastes increase
Imagn>taste>real>sensitivity to tastes decrease 
Imagn>taste>real>taste distortions Imagn>taste>real>focussing on one component from many 
Imagn>taste>real>part to total loss of taste

Imagn>taste>not real>sensitivity to tastes increase
Imagn>taste>not real>sensitivity to tastes decrease 
Imagn>taste>not real>taste distortions
Imagn>taste>not real>focussing on one component from many
Imagn>taste>not real>pure tastes
Imagn>taste>not real>combinations of tastes-previously experienced or unique 
Imagn>taste>not real>part to total loss of taste


Imagn>thermal>real>part to total loss of thermal.

NOT REAL                                                                                                                                       
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>increase
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>decrease
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>increase
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>decrease
Imagn>thermal>not real>hot>misperception
Imagn>thermal>not real>cold>misperception
Imagn>thermal>not real>part to total loss of thermal.


Imagn>thirst>swallowing difficulty


Imagn>touch-pressure>real>increased sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>real>reduced sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>real>misperception of touch-pressure
[Light feels heavy/ heavy feels light/ tingling/ warm/ cold/ etc]

Imagn>touch-pressure>real>part to total loss of touch-pressure

NOT REAL                                                                                                                                   
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>increased sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>reduced sense of touch-pressure
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>misperception of touch-pressure
[Light feels heavy/ heavy feels light/ tingling/ warm/ cold/ etc]                                                  
Imagn>touch-pressure>not real>part to total loss of touch-pressure


  • Eyes open may change the meaning to clients. Always be aware of the large difference between eyes open and eyes closed. Belief may be stronger if client experiences a visual with `eyes open.’
  • Imagined means the persons’ visualisation is of something which is not real, it is a `figment of their imagination.’
  • A reader may think that a visual appearing near/ distant should be on the same line. The way each of these submodalities might be used however may be quite different. You may want to combine in a meaningful way an imagined object coming nearer and that imagined object moving into the distance. Thus two distinct usages of each of those submodalities may be combined in such a way to enhance the effectiveness of each of the individual submodalities.
  • Many times there are no clear boundaries between the categories. It is only meant to be a rough classification. Every person would have their own list which may differ considerably from this list. 

Imagn>visual>eyes open> real external sensory input>visual focussing on one component out of many
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual appearing near
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual appearing distant
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual changing speed slower
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual changing speed faster
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input >visual ability to focus on detail
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual activity level
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual brightness reduce/magnify
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual micro/normal/magnify
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual distortion of how it would normally look Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual movement types rotating/rhythmic/ erratic Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual image types shapes/ textures/ patterns/ 2D-3D/ angles
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours black/grey/white
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours pure red/blue/green/yellow/violet
Imagn>visual> eyes open> real external sensory input>visual colours mixtures

Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual appearing near
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual appearing distant
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual changing speed slower
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual changing speed faster
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual ability to focus on detail
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual activity level 
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual brightness reduce/magnify 
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual micro/normal/magnify Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual distortion of how it would normally look
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual focussing on one component out of many
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual movement types rotating/rhythmic/ erratic
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual image types shapes/textures/patterns/2D-3D/ angles
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors black/grey/white
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors pure red/blue/green/yellow/violet

Imagn>visual>eyes closed>visual colors mixtures
Imagn>visual>eyes closed>loss of visual

Negative hallucinations: Imagined with a real input 
Imagn>visual>eyes open>real>suggested real items missing from conscious perception completely
[Can be one item or the entirety of real visual sensory input; e.g., an entire furnished room is now seen as being completely empty]

Positive hallucinations: Imagined with no real input:
Imagn>visual>eyes open>real>suggested real items now present even though missing in reality
[Can be one item or the entirety of real visual sensory input; e.g., an empty room is now seen as being completely furnished]

Combinations of positive and negative hallucinations
One item is removed completely and replaced with something else.

Imagination-time distortion

Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time 
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>physical 
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>cognitive
Imagn>time distortion>lengthen time>categories>emotion 
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>physical 
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>cognitive
Imagn>time distortion>shorten time>categories>emotion

Age Regression-Progression

Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>physical 
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>mental 
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>emotion
Age regression>timeline>within real life span>categories>situations
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>physical
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>mental
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>emotion 
Age regression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>situations 
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>physical 
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>mental
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>emotion
Age progression>timeline>within real life span>categories>situations
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>physical 
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>mental
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>emotion
Age progression>timeline>outside real life span>categories>situations


Amnesia>type of amnesia>spontaneous
Amnesia>type of amnesia>suggested
Amnesia>specificity of amnesia 
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>physical 
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>cognitive
Amnesia>type of system used with amnesia>emotional


Cardiovascular>heart rate increase
Cardiovascular>heart rate decrease 
Cardiovascular>blood vessel size increase
Cardiovascular>blood vessel size decrease


Gastrointestinal>discomfort increase
Gastrointestinal>discomfort decrease
Gastrointestinal>hyperactivity increase 
Gastrointestinal>hyperactivity decrease


Respiration>type of breathing>thoracic/ abdominal
Respiration>rate of breathing>fast/ slow
Respiration>depth of breathing>shallow/deep


Imagn>emotion increase 
Imagn>emotion decrease
Imagn>emotion positive increase
Imagn>emotion positive decrease
Imagn>emotion negative increase
Imagn>emotion negative decrease

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