How do we use different types of logic to connect a reliably achieved resource to the person’s mind body construct?

January 23, 2024 podcast, General Questions

Improving a person’s long term resource strength by improving  the person’s confidence in their mind-body abilities. How do we use different types of logic to connect a reliably achieved resource to the person’s mind body construct? 

Improving a person’s long term resource strength by improving the person’s confidence in their mind-body abilities. How do we use different types of logic to connect a reliably achieved resource to the person’s mind body construct?

My name is Eugene Irvin

How do we use different types of logic to connect a reliably achieved resource to the person’s mind body construct?

We need to construct a data bank of techniques. I have not done this yet but it is fairly simple.
There are three elements.
Two of those elements are known and the third is not.
The first known elements are the specific resources available to the person.

The second is the specific goal. The specific goal is some type of hypothetical or made up construct as to how the mind-body mechanism works. There needs to be some level of agreement that this construct sounds reasonable to the person. Even though the person knows it is only hypothetical, never assume the person will accept your explanation as being a reasonable mind-body construction. Get feedback from the person. There must be, especially in the beginning, some level of agreement.

There are three parts.

Part 1:
You list the specific resources and their parameters that the person can reliably achieve as close to 100% possible in different contexts.
Resources where there is movement may be more preferred as it gets across the idea of `the dynamic types of mind-body concept.’

For example: The imagination has something moving which changes things. An object is moving closer or further away, a colour is changing from, say light blue to dark blue. In other words, some type of dynamic change. It is not inert.

Part 2:
The specific goal is to construct a hypothetical mind-body construct that even though the person knows it may not be scientifically true, they can accept it.

Part 3:
The middle part is the different types of logic. In this model there are 19 different types. The logic is framed in terms which links the specific resource and the specific, more concrete type of mind body construct goal.

You then methodically look at how the different types of logic might be used to connect the resource to the goal.

If you use a wide range of resources and their parameters but have the same mind body construct goal, there will be differences in how they might be `logically’ linked to the mind body construct but there will also be similarities. By using such a wide array of resources and parameters and types of logic, there may be all sorts of insights as to how they might be connected.

The link to the different types of logic is a simple contents list. There will be numerous videos in the future on the topic. This is just my list and every person would probably generate a different list of types of connecting logic.

There is a great deal more that one can discuss especially if there is debate/ questions and especially constructive criticisms.

Thank you

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Types of Logic List


This topic discusses the logic used to connect things together. There are no specific limitations as to where these types of logic can or cannot be used. The emphasis is entirely on ease of usage, making them as practical as possible to implement.

Types of logic in this model.

1.    Science-Biological.                                                                                                                                            

2.    Science-Non Biological. 

3.    Logic used in previous successes means that something similar can have the same logic.

4.    “Because I say so. Trust me.”  

5.    Health, well being of the person, family friends. 

6.    Therapies.

7.    Truisms. 

8.    Unusual, quirky type of reasoning. 

9.    Mind-body mechanisms

10.  Third party.   

Personal type third party

Impersonal type third parties

11.   Generating synonyms to look at things in other ways.

12.  Reciprocal Connections between resources and reciprocal connection between resources and a goal.  

13.   Joining things together that have been proven to be true.

14.   Matching a person’s philosophies-personality-beliefs-self image-motivations-ambitions.  

15.   Symbolic Logic. 

16.   Parameters to amplify known resource logic connections. Amplifying a connection that has already been made. 

17.   Role playing. 

18.   What is the negative/ opposite of the reason for the logic presented? 

19.   What does the client think?  What sort of logic does the client think is connected?

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